Heatherwood riders in grades 4th through 12th are invited to join our Interscholastic Equestrian Team. Riders do not have to own a horse in order to compete. In May of each year our riders & families are invited to a meeting to discuss the team, sign up & requirements such as appropriate clothing for competition, where & when competitions will take place, costs associated with IEA Shows & to hear current rider & parent experiences with the team & competitions.

Sign up begins in June through the Interscholastic Equestrian Association “IEA”. For more information about IEA, educational opportunities, scholarships & to sign up as a Heatherwood Team Rider please go to their website. www.rideiea.org

Team competitions are typically late summer and fall. Riders may advance to Regional, Zone & National Competitions. Horses are provided by the barn hosting the show. Any rider wanting to join a college team should consider competing in IEA. The IEA competitions are run similar to the college equestrian competitions.

Our Team is friendly, welcoming to all new riders and work together to help improve skills needed for the show ring. The parents & families of our riders are amazing people who support each & every rider with encouragement as well as snacks & goodies to fuel up before & after competitions.

IEA’s mission is to promote lifelong involvement in equestrian athletics. IEA wishes to introduce students in grades 4-8 (Future) and 9-12 (Upper School) to equestrian sports and to develop understanding and appreciation of equestrian sports through organized competitions and educational opportunities. 

Students have the opportunity to earn scholarships toward their college education through awards in competition and through sportsmanship activities.